Caladryl Side Effects
Common Side Effects
Fortunately, only two common side effects have been associated with using Caladryl: dryness and itching of the skin. While these are the most common problems that are reported by users, most users report little or none of the above problems while using the drug. If symptoms persist to the point where they become unbearable, contact your doctor for additional treatment.
Severe Side Effects
Unfortunately, there is also the possibility of severe side effects while using the medication. Some of these side effects include hives, rashes, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, and swelling of the mouth, feet or legs. However, please realize that these side effects are very rare and only affect a small number of users.
Important Safety Information
Caladryl gel can be extremely dangerous if swallowed, so please always keep away from the mouth and store the medication where it is inaccessible to small children. Also use caution when applying the gel to any children under the age of two as the side effects of the drug on them have not yet been discovered. If you are nursing or pregnant, discuss the use of the drug with a doctor to understand how it may affect your baby.
Caladryl is meant for topical use only and is applied directly to the insect bite or infected area. Never put the medication in your eyes, mouth or nose. If you do this accidently, flush the area immediately with water. Always clean the infected area thoroughly before using Caladryl and apply only a small amount of medication to the affected area. It is also important to use Caladryl in direct conjunction with your doctor's orders.
If you experience any of the severe side effects listed in this article, contact your doctor immediately for adjusted treatment options.
Caladryl is meant for topical use only and should never be used in any bodily orifices.
Understand all of the benefits and risk of using Caladryl before beginning use of the drug.