How to Get Rid of Itchy skin Eczema
Things You'll Need
- healthy foods
- perfume free lotions
First, avoid lotions and washes with certain scents. Lotions that contain a fragrance irritate your skin and may be the cause or your eczema.
Next, make sure your laundry soap is free and clear of any dyes or perfumes. Scent free lotions do not contain any chemicals that may cause a reaction to the skin.
Eat healthy. Certain foods have a lot of fatty acids that may cause your skin to break out with eczema. Eliminate these fatty foods from your diet as well as coffee or chocolate, which could also cause a problem for your skin.
Make sure your house is dust free and as clean as possible. Try to get another family member to help you clean with household cleansers as the cleansers may cause an eczema reaction as well. You can vacuum and use soap and water to remove all of the allergens.