Home Treatments for Plague Psoriasis
Though home treatment will not cure psoriasis, they can help your skin look better. Taking a daily bath will help remove plaques and calm irritated skin. Soaking for 15 minutes in Epsom salts, bath oil or colloidal oatmeal can be especially helpful. Avoid very hot water and harsh soaps because they can irritate your psoriasis further. After bathing, blot your skin with a towel and immediately put on a heavy moisturizer. Applying this ointment or oil traps moisture in the skin. In cold weather, apply moisturizer several times per day.
Getting the proper amount of sunlight with psoriasis is tricky because the right amount can help improve plaques while too much trigger or make outbreaks worse. If you are a sunbather, limit exposure to three short periods per week. Monitor and record how much time you spend in the sunlight. The application of a 15 SPF sunscreen can also help you keep outbreaks and plaques to a minimum. Speak to your doctor about the proper amount of sun you should receive if you have psoriasis.
Creams and Triggers
The application of any cream or ointment that has hydrocortisone or salicylic acid can help cut down the build-up of plaques and itching. However, identify and avoid triggers that will spur an outbreak. Triggers can include stress, infection, smoking, injuries and sunlight. Once you figure out what causes your psoriasis to flare up, cut it out of your life. Also, drinking alcohol lowers the efficacy of certain psoriasis treatments.