Free Home Remedies for Shingles
Topical Ointments
Crush two aspirins and mix in 2 tbsp. of alcohol or chloroform. Rub this gently on the shingles. This will help relieve the pain.
If the blisters get infected, soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and gently press it on the blisters.
Mix 1 tbsp. of aloe vera gel with 1 tbsp. of raw honey and 1 tbsp. of leek juice. Apply the mixture to the infected area.
Apply Compress
Take a cold compress and press on the infected area. This will relieve the burning sensation. Or apply an ice pack to the infected area, which will numb the area and also relieve the burning.
You can also mix 2 tbsp. of baking soda with 2 cups of cold water and use this as a cold compress to be applied to the rash.
Natural Mixtures
Mix 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar and 2 cups of cool water. Soak a cotton cloth in the solution and apply to rash.
Put 1 cup of cornstarch or 1 cup of colloidal oatmeal in a bath. Soak in the bath as long as you can. This will help relieve the itching and burning.
Apply nail polish remover to the area by using a cotton ball.
Mash four to five mint leaves into a paste and apply to the area. Leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse with water. The mint will cool the infected area.