What Are the Treatments for Chicken Pox in Adults?
But that doesn't mean chicken pox is extinct. For children, chicken pox is uncomfortable. For adults, it can be unbearable. How does an adult make it through?
Chicken pox is the sickness caused by the varicella virus. Like most viral infections, there's not much to do but to let the sickness take its course. Keep in mind, if it all goes well, the patient only will have it once thanks to antibodies the body creates.
One of the few really dangerous parts of chicken pox is fever. Not only is it uncomfortable, but adults are prone to higher fevers with this particular disease. Just like mom said, drink lots of fluids.
Over-the-counter fever reducers and pain relievers are the best treatments. Adults over age 20 can use aspirin. Otherwise, Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, Motrin are all effective products for fever reduction. If fever persists beyond three days or rises above 103 Fahrenheit, see a doctor.
The pox in chicken pox are red blister-sores that swell up, usually burst and then crust over. And if that isn't attractive enough, they itch--sometimes like crazy. Besides the sheer discomfort and sometimes soreness they cause--they can also lead to scarring and infection if scratched or cut. It's important to let the pox go through its cycle--and to be kept clean.
Antihistamine-based creams are a good way to deal with itching. There's always the traditional pink Caladryl that's been around for generations. Benedryl creams are also a good, strong topical antihistamine. If the itching is very bad--which it often is for adults--ask a doctor about oral antihistamines such as Benedryl capsules and prescription medications.
Oatmeal baths are another good way to reduce itching--and also to keep clean.
Severe Cases and Complications
For adults who make have other health complications--such as heart conditions or pregnancy--a doctor may administer anti-viral medications such as Zovirax or Foscavir to speed the chicken pox along. And while at-risk patients should consult a physician at the first exposure to chicken pox, adults in general should see a physician immediately upon seeing signs of chicken pox.
Encephalitis and pneumonia are possible complications of chicken pox in adult patients. Determining which medications and topical treatments to use should be done in consultation with a physician.
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