Homeopathic Remedies for Pigmented Purpuric Dermatosis
When turning to homeopathic therapies, it's best not to try self-medication. The idea behind homeopathic medicine is that "like cures like." In other words, small doses of things that would make you sick can make you better. It is usually better to let a trained homeopathic physician work with poisons like belladonna than attempt to dilute them yourself.
To prescribe a homeopathic treatment, a physician will first try to find the underlying causes of the condition. In the case of Pigmented Purpuric Dermatosis, the unsightly spots are caused by leaky capillaries. A homeopathic physician may try to find ways to strengthen the circulatory system to prevent leaking blood vessels.
Several compounds may be taken to strengthen blood vessels, including vitamin C. Weak veins are often a sign of vitamin C deficiency. Lack of vitamin c and bioflavanoids can weaken the collagen structure in blood vessel walls. Another popular homeopathic remedy is the venom of poisonous snakes. Hemotoxic substances such as snake venom inhibit clotting and destroy red blood cells. Larger doses can poison the heart. In homeopathic medicine, snake venom is diluted in large quantities of lactose. In homeopathic remedies, hemotoxic substances strengthen vein structure, prevent thrombosis or hemorraging and help to ease spots and varicose veins. Some of these toxins may include Lachesis (Bushmaster snake venom) or Bothrops.