Holistic Approach to Treating Acne
Common Sense Care
Mild cases of acne will often clear up with regular skin care maintenance. Skin care for acne-prone skin is not just about removing oil from your skin, but also maintaining a balance in moisture. Dry skin will lead to more sebum production, which will then lead to more acne problems. Regular washing with a mild cleanser followed by a toner such as witch hazel or lavender water and a moisturizer will help restore balance to your skin. Don't pop, pick or squeeze pimples or blackheads. Doing so can cause infection. Instead, deep clean your skin using a mask made of clay or baking soda to remove stubborn eruptions.
Dietary Problems
Although western medical practitioners no longer believe that eating food such as chocolate or greasy pizza can cause acne, practitioners of eastern medicine, such as Ayurvedic physicians, believe an allergic reaction to the foods you eat can cause acne. Changing your diet to eliminate foods such as chocolate, fats and oils found in fried foods, spicy foods or milk can help to clear up acne problems. A diet of bland foods including basmati rice, oatmeal and applesauce is often recommended because it balances out your system.
Practitioners of holistic medicine say that acne can be a symptom of a hormonal imbalance created when the body is subject to stress. Because of this, taking measures to relax can often have a side benefit of clearing up acne symptoms. Some of the more famous means of reducing stress include practicing yoga, drinking green tea or practicing meditation.