Remedies for Body Rash

Most people have experienced a body rash at one time or another. It can sometimes be easy to pinpoint the cause of the condition, and treat it accordingly. However, sometimes rashes form without reason, and it may be more difficult to find an appropriate cure. Home remedies for body rash are safe to experiment with until you can find one effective in relieving you of your pain and discomfort.
  1. Relieve Stress

    • Stress and anxiety can aggravate rashes and hives, so it is important to manage your stress levels to help reduce and prevent these conditions. If your rash is not caused by a specific health issue, it is likely that is being caused by worrying. Exercise, practice breathing techniques, or get a massage to help you relax and alleviate your rash.

    Vitamin C

    • Vitamin C contains natural antioxidants that can remedy a body rash. Crush a few vitamin C tablets and mix them with water to make a lotion that can be applied directly to the affected area. Refrain from using moisturizers that contain vitamin C, as there is usually so little of the ingredient that it will not be effective.


    • Oatmeal can help to relieve inflammation, and therefore it can be effective in reducing a body rash. Run a warm bath, mixing in one cup of uncooked oatmeal into the water. Lie in the tub for at least 20 minutes, soaking the affected area the entire time.

    Olive Oil

    • Olive oil can penetrate the skin, locking in moisture and speeding up the healing process of a body rash. Heat the oil in the microwave for ten seconds before applying to the rash. Lather the area two to three times a day for best results. The oil works best for rashes related to skin dryness, but can also be effective for allergic reactions and heat rashes.

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