Underarm Rash Cures
Allergic Reaction
A common cause of an underarm rash is allergic reaction to a chemical used in that area, including deodorant, soap, laundry detergent or even certain types of fabric. If you have just begun using a new product that has made contact with your underarms, this is most likely the culprit, so discontinue use. For the itchiness, try using an anti-itch allergy relief cream such as, Benadryl Skin Allergy Relief cream, which can be found at most drug stores. Or try using a hydrocortisone based cream, also found over-the-counter, which also helps alleviate irritated skin.
Fungal Infection
Another culprit of underarm rashes is often a fungal skin infection, similar to that of athlete's foot or jock itch. Underarms are prone to these kinds of infections because of their dark and moist environment. If this is the case, you'll want to clean and dry the area thoroughly and apply an anti-fungal clotrimazole-based cream, such as Lotrimin, to the area a few times a day. If this doesn't do the trick, you may need to see your doctor for a stronger anti-fungal cream.
Folliculitis, or an infection of the hair follicles, can occur to the hair under your arm, resulting in a red rash with irritated red bumps under the arm. Since this is a deeper infection, the best treatment is an antibiotic cream obtained from your doctor and avoiding shaving underarms until it is healed. When you do begin shaving the area again, make sure you use brand new shaving instruments, and remember to keep them clean and dispose of them when they have dulled.
Prevention and Tips
Make sure to keep the underarm area as dry as possible. Wear loose fitting clothing to allow air flow and employ an anti-perspirant deodorant or powder, such as Gold Bond powder which is gentle on skin, in order to keep the area dry.
Don't use heavily concentrated products, such as perfumes, on the sensitive underarm area. If you notice a reoccurring rash due to deodorant, and you have tried numerous products, try switching to an all natural brand, like Tom's, which can be found at most natural food stores.
Remember to keep all shaving tools clean and dry, a razor can be a major bacterial risk if not cared for properly.