Ring Worm Skin Therapy
Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin that can occur anywhere on the body, including the scalp, feet and nails. It is not caused by worms, in spite of its name. The condition is common among children and athletes, but can affect people of all ages. Ringworm is contagious and thrives in moist conditions, which allow the fungi to rapidly grow.-
Symptoms of ringworm include irritated, raised patches on the skin that are often red and circular. Sometimes the patch will have a red edge with normal skin color in the center. Ringworm on the scalp will cause bald patches. If your nails are infected, they will become thick and will deteriorate. Ringworm of the foot is also called athlete's foot; symptoms usually appear between the toes. Because it is highly contagious, you will usually have more than one infected area.
If you notice a possible ringworm patch on your body, treat it immediately; otherwise, it will continue to spread. If your pet has ringworm, treat it immediately; it can be passed to humans.
Apply topical creams, powders or sprays to the infected area. Effective brands include Lotrimin, Tinactin and Nizoral. Some treatments are marketed as cures for athlete's foot or jock itch, but check the label---these treatments are usually successful in treating ringworm as well. Your ringworm should clear up within four weeks of treatment.
Wash and dry the affected area daily as well as all clothes that it comes into contact with, including bed sheets. This will prevent it from spreading to other areas of the skin.
If over-the-counter treatments are not effective, you should consult your doctor, who will prescribe an oral or topical medication. It is important to take immediate measures to treat your ringworm. Left untreated, it will often spread, become infected and will need to be treated with antibiotics.
Do not share towels, combs or any other personal items. Wear shoes in locker rooms or at pools, as ringworm thrives in warm, moist environments. Don't pet animals with bald areas (a sign of ringworm). Always wash and dry your hair after getting a haircut. Shower immediately after playing sports or working out, and wear breathable clothing, such as cotton.