Treating a UTI with Cranberry Juice
Symptoms of a UTI include frequent urination, constantly feeling like you have to urinate, burning sensation upon urination, and cloudy or foul-smelling urine.
The Facts
A type of tannin found exclusively in cranberries prevents the adherence of certain pathogens, such as E. Coli, to the lining of the bladder. Drink several glasses of pure cranberry juice per day for the duration of your symptoms.
Because sugar weakens the immune system, which in turn cannot fight off bacterial infection, choose a natural, pure cranberry juice--without sugar.
In Addition
To help speed your recovery from a UTI, you can: drink plenty of water to flush the bacteria out, increase your vitamin C, drink echinacea tea (may boost your immune system), eat raw garlic (a natural antibacterial agent), and have a glass of water mixed with half a teaspoon of baking soda each morning.
As a preventive measure against UTIs, drink four ounces of pure, natural cranberry juice each night before bed. Also, always wipe front to back in the bathroom, urinate and wash your genitals after sex, and wear cotton panties.
Always see a doctor first for a diagnosis. He may prescribe medication, such as an antibiotic, that you need to take, in addition to using cranberry juice. Return to your doctor if the symptoms don't clear up within a few days.