How to Treat Ring Worm

Last time I remember hearing a lot about ringworm infections, is when I was a kid. This is when your mother tells you to stay out of puddles, so you don't catch ring worms. I think we have all graduated from ring worms, but the information I have here could help your kids.


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      The "Ring Worm" is not really a worm in your body, but rather a type of fungus that grows underneath your skin. It can be treated and killed much the way "Athlete's Foot" is treated, by rubbing anti fungal cream into the infected area.

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      Another good product to use to cure ring worm is apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has an acidic property, that kills ring worm infections. But you have to make sure that you soak the infected area every night, before you go to bed.

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      One thing you can use is a little bleach. This is only suggested in extreme situations thou. But using a Qtip swab with a little bleach, could get rid of it fast.

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