How to Treat Dermatitis & Eczema Caused by Poor Circulation
Apply cream. There are various creams that are used for general dermatitis. One in particular is a hydrocortisone cream. This helps to relive the itch and irritation. Applying it right after a shower will help with absorption.
Elevate your legs. Inadequate blood flow back to the heart is the main reason for varicose veins which is also a risk factor for dermatitis. When circulation is compromised, fluid pools up in the feet and legs, which causes the veins to enlarge and can also trigger dermatitis symptoms. A way to treat this is by keeping your legs elevated when sitting down for long periods of time.
Wear special socks. There are socks that are specifically designed to put compression on the skin which can help treat dermatitis symptoms. They are called compression socks and they can be worn on the affected areas. You can also use elastic bandage wraps as well.
Put on some dressing. Place cool, wet dressing wraps on the affected areas. These can help to keep infections down and also soften the skin. After you take them off, apply some petroleum jelly to further promote softness.
Keep it clean. Keep the affected area as clean as possible. Also, wear clothes that are loose fitting. Wearing tight fitting clothes can make the symptoms worse and cause you to be uncomfortable.
Get some exercise. Being that poor circulation is the cause of the symptoms, exercise can help. Consider walking, biking, swimming, rowing and elliptical training.