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What Are the Treatments for Psoriasis on the Hands?
Coal tar comes in a cream or ointment solution that gets applied to the hands. It helps to reduce inflammation and cell growth.
Topical Medications
There are also some prescription medications that get applied to the hands for treatment. Some examples are corticosteroids, Dovonex and Tazorac.
Salicylic acid comes in the form of gels, creams and ointments. It can be applied to the skin to promote the removal of scales.
Oral Treatments
There are some oral prescriptions that an also be used to treat psoriasis. Some examples of these are cyclosporine, soriatane and methotrexate.
Combining water with sunlight can help dry up plaque that is caused from psoriasis. Ocean water is especially beneficial because of the mineral content in the salt water.
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