Over-the-Counter Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis is a condition where the cells of the skin grow too fast. This leads to red blotches that can become red, irritated and itchy. There is no known reason why psoriasis occurs and it can be seen on any location of the body. There are treatment options that involve prescription drugs, but it can also be treated with over-the-counter medications as well.
  1. Anti-Itch Soaps

    • There are anti-itch bath soaps that can be used to treat psoriasis. They have oat protein in them.

    Moisturizing Oils

    • Moisturizing oils can also be found over-the-counter. They help to soften the skin and seal moisture in.


    • Dermal gloves can be worn after applying creams and lotions to the hands to help facilitate absorption.

    Sea Salts

    • Dead Sea salts are high in minerals that can be effective at treating psoriasis. They come in hand creams and bath salts.

    Salicylic Acid

    • Salicylic acid comes in the form of creams, lotions, shampoo and gels. It is used to remove scales and slow down cell growth.

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