How to Make Homemade Remedies for Skin Rashes
Things You'll Need
- Uncooked oatmeal
- Chamomile tea
- Aloe vera gel
- Extra virgin olive oil
- 100 percent pure chamomile essential oil
- Comfrey leaves
Pour 1 cup of uncooked oatmeal into a warm bath. Stir the oats through the water and soak for several minutes to soothe and heal the rash.
Make a pot of chamomile tea and use a cloth to clean the affected area.
Rub aloe vera gel into the skin to cool and heal the rash. This is the gel made from pulp produced when the plant is cut open.
Pour 3 tbsp. of extra virgin oil into a small cup or container. Place three drops of pure chamomile essential oil in the container. Mix the olive oil and chamomile together and rub it over the skin until it has been absorbed.
Place 2 to 3 tbsp. of comfrey leaves into a small pot containing 2 cups of boiled water. Allow to steep for and then cool in the water and then once the water is cool, soak a cloth in it and apply to the rash. This will reduce inflammation as well as help to clear the rash.