How to Treat a Rash Caused by Poison Ivy
The term used for a poison ivy rash is contact dermatitis. A poison ivy rash manifests itself as small red bumps and blisters, which will ooze a clear liquid if scratched. There is intense itching and the possibility of swelling around the poison ivy rash area.
A poison ivy rash is not serious but it is very uncomfortable. Within this article you will find ways to treat your poison ivy rash, to relieve some of your discomfort, until the poison ivy rash clears up.
Things You'll Need
- Iverest or calamine lotion
- Paste of baking soda and vinegar
- hydrocortisone cream
If you realize that you have come into contact with poison ivy, first thoroughly wash you skin with soap and water. Remove all clothing and wash them immediately as the oily residue urushiol found in poison ivy can be active (still cause a rash) for up to five years.
If a poison ivy rash has already developed, keep the area clean and apply an over the counter medication. Medications such as Iverest, calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream can be very effective at helping to treat and control the intense itching associated with a poison ivy rash.
If there is no itching involved with your poison ivy rash, a paste made from baking soda and vinegar, will help to treat and dry out the blisters that are associated with a poison ivy rash.
If you should come into contact with poison ivy and you do in fact develop a rash, don't panic. A poison ivy rash will clear up on it's own, even without treatment, within 1-3 weeks. The main thing is to control any itching that you may experience.