How to Grow Hair Back After Ringworm Dies
Take all of your medication. The doctor will prescribe an oral anti-fungal medication to fight the ringworm infection. It will also help to prevent the growth of new ones. Hair can not grow back until the ringworm is completely gone.
Throw away your combs and brushes immediately. Once you start taking your medication, do not use the same combs or brushes. They are infected and could possibly spread the infection further, causing hair growth to be delayed. Don't share anything such as scarfs, hats, combs, or brushes with anyone.
Keep your hair clean and dry. Wash your hair often to keep your hair and scalp healthy. The doctor may also prescribe anti-fungal shampoo. This will wash away dead skin in the hair and help to prevent new ringworms from forming. Hair will grow back sooner if the scalp is healthy.
Change your linens daily and wash them in hot water. This will keep you from reinfecting yourself. Sleeping on the same pillows could cause the ringworm to come back or others to appear. Keeping everything clean will be beneficial in getting your hair to grow back sooner, because you are preventing the ringworms from spreading.
Follow-up with your doctor after you've completed your round of oral medication. The doctor will check to see if your infection is gone. If your infection is completely gone, your hair will soon grow back.