How to Get Rid of a Heat Rash
Things You'll Need
- Aloe Air conditioning Antihistamines Corn starch Sunscreen Calamine Oatmeal
Avoid activities that make you sweat and stay out of the sun. To rid yourself of heat rash, pamper yourself and stay indoors in the air conditioning. Make sure to wear loose fitting, cotton clothing and bathe with a soap that's mild and natural. If you do have to go outside, be sure to wear sunscreen. Since the rash in adults is caused by clogged sweat ducts, avoid sweating. Staying indoors in a cool environment should have your rash healed in no time.
Use antihistamines to ease the symptoms and help in ridding yourself of heat rash. When a foreign entity attacks the skin, the body releases histamines to fight it, causing a rash or hives. By taking antihistamines at the onset of the heat rash, the rash usually won't be as irritating, nor last as long.
Boil up a batch of oatmeal and place the cooked product in a sock. Fill the tub with cool water and gently apply the sock filled with oatmeal, to the affected areas. This is a popular natural remedy in dealing with heat rash. Once you dry off, sprinkle corn starch on your heat rash. This will keep the affected areas dry and will keep them from chafing, causing further irritation and prolonging the rash.
Use topical antibacterials, including antibacterial soaps, on the rash. It's thought that using these products on the heat rash, will shorten the duration of the condition. Other topical products such as calamine, menthol, steroid creams and products that are camphor-based, will help in reducing the severity of the symptoms. Use only products that have a water base. Using an oil-based product could worsen the condition by clogging the ducts further. If the rash becomes dry and scaly, use aloe to moisturize the affected areas.
See a doctor if your condition grows worse or lasts longer than 10 days. If the blisters become filled with puss, or look to be infected, contact your doctor immediately. Though heat rash is very treatable, the longer you put off treatment, the longer the rash will persist. Your doctor will be able to recommend a treatment plan that will best cure your heat rash.