How to Treat Psoriasis on the Face
Visit the doctor. The physician can examine your face, determine the severity of the condition and also make sure that it is psoriasis. Often times a skin biopsy is done to confirm the diagnosis. The doctor will then prescribe some form of steroid solution, such as Dovanex or Tazorac, to treat psoriasis.
Get some acid. Psoriasis causes the cells on the skin to grow too quickly and form scales. There is a substance called salicylic acid that helps treat psoriasis symptoms by removing these scales from the skin. This can be found over-the-counter or by prescription.
Apply tar. Coal tar is a substance that can reduce itching, burning, inflammation and scaling. It is found in a topical solution and it can be used in conjunction with salicylic acid to treat psoriasis symptoms. It also helps to slow down the proliferation process that occurs with the skin cells.
Be aware. There are some things that may cause flare-ups and irritation to occur. This might be the use of different creams and soaps or the use of perfumes or body sprays. Pay strict attention to how your skin reacts after using these products and adjust usage accordingly.
Get out in the sun. Sun exposure has been known to aid in relief from psoriasis. Try to get out in the sun in short, multiple bouts throughout the day to treat psoriasis symptoms. Just don't overdo it and risk getting sunburn. Overexposure can actually worsen the condition and also increase your risk of skin cancer.
Make some dietary changes. Eat a good amount of essential fatty acids, eliminate highly acidic foods and get a good amount of antioxidant fruits. According to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the benefits of blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and plums are plentiful, and can help the body in more ways than just treating psoriasis. Healthy fats like those found in salmon, herring, mackerel and non-hydrogenated oils also help to keep skin lubricated and healthy.