Causes of a Lumpy Skin Rash
Allergic Eczema
When the skin comes into contact with an object or substance that it reacts to, a process known as delayed hypersensitivity occurs, which in layman's terms is an allergic reaction that causes the skin to break out in bumpy rashes. Common causes for this type of rash include coming into contact with perfumes, rubber, plants, medications and nickel metal. If you notice that you break out in a rash after applying a substance to your skin or after walking in a park for instance, you may be allergic to something your skin regularly comes into contact with and should visit your doctor for medical advice.
Hives are raised and itchy red welts on the surface of the skin and are very common throughout America with 20 percent of the population affected at least once in their lives. There are a number of causes. It may be that you have come into contact with something that your skin is allergic to with animals, insect bites and food stuffs such as eggs and fish common causes. However, hives can also develop as a result of emotional stress or exposure to extreme cold or heat, according to Pubmed Health.
Atopic Dermatitis
According to, Atopic dermatitis is a very common condition that "is a hereditary skin problem that often begins in childhood as chapped cheeks and scaly patches on the scalp, arms, legs, and torso." It progressively can get worse in adult life and affects areas of the body such as the hands, eyelids, scalp and genitals. The causes can be related to allegoric reactions, but in most cases this is not the case as most cases of atopic dermatitis are not allergic.
Insect Bites
There are many insects in America with bites or stings that can result in bumpy rashes on the skin. Bee and wasp stings are the most common. Once stung you will feel a sharp pain and a red lumpy rash will appear. It is usually sufficient to wash the area with soap and water and over a few days it will disappear. In some cases it is recommended to visit a doctor if the rash has not disappeared after three days as this could mean the sting is infected.