How to Treat a Razor Rash on the Neck
Razor rash on the neck is a common problem that results from poor shaving techniques, ingrown facial hairs, and lack of lubrication when shaving. The rash usually develops immediately after shaving, turning the area red. This is followed by the development of pimple-like razor bumps. Untreated razor rash can turn into folliculitis, which is a bacterial infection of the hair follicles. Other than the health implications, razor rash is also unsightly. It can also leave minor scarring, if left untreated.Things You'll Need
- Antibacterial soap
- Towel
- Hydrocortisone cream
- Aloe vera gel
Wash your neck thoroughly with hot water and antibacterial soap. Bacteria worsens the rash and makes it more difficult to clear up. Wash your face three times a day, until the rash disappears.
Place a hot towel on the affected areas for 10 minutes. Hot water will soothe the burning sensation and reduce any swelling.
Rub some one percent hyrdocortisone cream on the affected areas. This reduces the redness of the rash, and helps the skin on your neck heal.
Apply aloe vera gel to the affected area. This natural remedy helps reduce inflammation and redness. It also adds much needed moisture to the region. Choose an unscented aloe vera gel, as some of the fragrances used may cause further irritation.
Wait until the rash has fully disappeared, before you shave again. Shaving too soon can reinfect your neck.