Why did tai lung turn bad?
There are a few reasons why Tai Lung turned bad.
* He was never shown love or compassion. Tai Lung was orphaned at a young age and raised by Master Shifu, who was more interested in training him to be a great fighter than in showing him love and affection. As a result, Tai Lung grew up feeling lonely and unloved.
* He was constantly praised for his fighting skills. Tai Lung was a naturally gifted fighter, and he was constantly praised for his abilities by Master Shifu and the other Furious Five. This led Tai Lung to become arrogant and overconfident, and he began to believe that he was invincible.
* He was denied the Dragon Scroll. The Dragon Scroll is a powerful artifact that contains the secrets of kung fu. Tai Lung coveted the Dragon Scroll, and he was devastated when Master Shifu denied him the chance to read it. This rejection sent Tai Lung over the edge, and he turned to the dark side.
In conclusion, Tai Lung turned bad because he was never shown love or compassion, he was constantly praised for his fighting skills, and he was denied the Dragon Scroll. These factors all contributed to his arrogance and overconfidence, and ultimately led him to turn against Master Shifu and the Furious Five.
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