What is tharyngitis?
Laryngitis can be caused by a number of factors, including:
* Viral infections, such as the common cold and flu
* Bacterial infections, such as strep throat
* Allergies
* Irritants, such as smoke, dust, and pollution
* Overuse of the voice
* Acid reflux
Treatment for laryngitis typically involves:
* Resting your voice
* Drinking plenty of fluids
* Using a humidifier
* Taking over-the-counter medications to relieve pain and inflammation
In some cases, antibiotics may be necessary to treat bacterial laryngitis.
If you have laryngitis that does not improve with home treatment or is accompanied by difficulty breathing or swallowing, it is important to see a doctor.
Here are some tips to help prevent laryngitis:
* Avoid smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke.
* Avoid allergens and other irritants.
* Use your voice in a healthy way. This includes not talking too loudly or for too long.
* Drink plenty of fluids to keep your throat moist.
* Get vaccinated against the flu and other respiratory infections.