How to Eat with Hiccups
Try a few quick remedies to see if you can't get rid of the hiccups prior to eating. Drinking water with your head upside-down, holding your breath for as long as you can stand, or eating some crackers or bread can help.
Time how often you hiccup. Wait until you hiccup then count in seconds to see how long before your next hiccup. If you are having them quite frequently -- such as every ten seconds -- you should wait to try and eat. However, if you have a 30 second, or longer break you should be able to eat with minimal trouble.
Wait until right after each hiccup to take a bite. Take small bites and chew thoroughly. Smaller bites and more concentrated chewing, will prevent you from eating fast, which can actually contribute to hiccups.
Take a bite following each hiccup and follow it with a gulp of water, if you are able to. If not, interchange following each hiccup, between taking a bite and swallowing some water. If your hiccups clear up while you are eating, then dive in and enjoy your meal as you normally would.