What Are Nebulizers?
Nebulizer treatments help people who have trouble breathing. A nebulizer contains either a small air compressor or an ultrasonic machine that breaks down liquid medicine into very small particles. The mist or fog is then breathed in through the mouth via a mouthpiece or through the mouth and nose via a mask. A mouthpiece is connected to the machine by plastic tubing to deliver medication into the lungs.
There are two types of nebulizers. One uses a compressor to deliver oxygen or air under pressure that mixes with a liquid medicine and creates a medicinal mist. The mist is delivered into the lungs via tubing and a mask. This type of nebulizer is often used on a tabletop and plugged into an outlet but there are also portable versions that use batteries. The ultrasonic nebulizer machine works a bit differently. It creates a fog of medicine by using ultrasonic technology to break up the medicine into extremely fine particles that can travel much deeper into the patient's lungs. The ultrasonic machine is often the chosen option for young children and infants or for those with severe asthma.
The mist nebulizers typically include the air compressor, tubing, a face mask, an AC/DC adaptor, filters and a mouthpiece. Ultrasonic nebulizer kits commonly come with the nebulizer, a detachable mouthpiece, an AC/DC adaptor, various medicine cups, replacement filters and one or two various-sized masks.
You first attach the nebulizer hose to the unit and place the medicine into a cup on the machine. Turning on the machine permits the compressor or the ultrasonic effect to convert the drug into an aerosol mist or a fog. This is then inhaled through a mouthpiece. The medicine is delivered into the lungs by taking deep, slow breaths. Small children, or those who are unable to hold the mouthpiece securely, wear a mask.
Nebulizers are available online, major retail outlets and drug stores or pharmacies. Portable compressor-type nebulizers cost slightly more than the tabletop versions of this type and are available for around $95. Tabletop mist nebulizers are available for $40 and up. Ultrasonic nebulizers are also available in major retail outlets, drug stores and online. They commonly cost $150 to $200 -- ranging in price from $50 to $300.