How to Soothe a Tickly Cough
Inhale steam from a vaporizer or a bowl of boiled water. The Mayo Clinic says this simple home remedy is valid and effective. Steam helps to ease allergies, loosen congestion and clear particles that may be causing your cough.
Suck on cough drops or lozenges. Pick one with a flavor you like. Besides encouraging swallowing, which helps your cough, most brands contain small amounts of anesthetic to numb throat pain or irritation caused by coughing.
Drink warm liquids like tea or broth. Mom and grandma had it right all along -- the warmth helps to relax throat muscles, relives congestion and reduces irritation.
Visit a doctor if symptoms persist or become chronic. The best way to relieve a tickly cough is to address the underlying issues. Allergies, viral infections and asthma are common causes. However, a doctor should also check for anything that may be blocking your airway.