What Are the Dangers of Breathing Gravel Dust?
Repeated and prolonged exposure to gravel dust causes silicosis, pneumoconiosis or other respiratory problems. Mechanical adhesion is the process by which the dust particles attach themselves to the lungs, preventing or limiting the amount of oxygen a person breathes. Exposure also aggravates existing medical conditions. A person with any type of existing medical respiratory condition should not expose himself to gravel dust, even for a short amount of time.
A variety of symptoms occur, which lead to a person to believe that she has a common cold or flu. If recently working around gravel dust, it is best to consult a physician if any of these symptoms become an issue. Symptoms include coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath, wheezing, inflammation, sore throat, chest pain or flu-like fever.
It is virtually impossible to avoid breathing in gravel dust when laying a new bed of gravel. There are, however, ways to limit the amount of gravel that is produced. Dampen all gravel when being moved, especially fresh gravel. The moisture keeps the dust particles settled and prevents them from becoming airborne. Always wear a face mask when working with gravel. This provides a barrier that blocks any dust particles from being inhaled.
Walk away from areas where gravel dust is being circulated. Breathing in fresh air for a few minutes allows your lungs to clear. Contact a physician or dial 9-1-1 if normal breathing does not reoccur.