Hiatal hernia cause shortness of breath?
This is because the stomach can put pressure on the lungs, making it difficult to breathe. Additionally, a hiatal hernia can cause the stomach to produce more gas, which can also lead to shortness of breath.
If you have a hiatal hernia and you are experiencing shortness of breath, it is important to see your doctor. There are a number of treatments available for hiatal hernias, including lifestyle changes, medications, and surgery.
Here are some tips to help relieve shortness of breath caused by a hiatal hernia:
* Avoid eating large meals.
* Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly.
* Elevate your head and shoulders when you sleep.
* Avoid lifting heavy objects.
* Quit smoking.
* Lose weight if you are overweight or obese.
* Talk to your doctor about medications that can help reduce stomach acid production.
If your shortness of breath is severe, you may need to undergo surgery to repair the hiatal hernia.
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