What is the new steps for obstructed airway?
1. Assess for responsiveness:
-Check for consciousness and responsiveness. If the person is unresponsive, this is a medical emergency and you should call for help immediately.
-If the person is responsive, ask them if they are choking. If they are, encourage them to cough.
2. If the person is coughing:
-Allow them to continue coughing. Do not try to remove the object from their airway unless it is visible and you can easily reach it.
3. If the person is unable to cough or speak:
-Give five back blows. To do this stand behind the person and use one hand to support their chest and the other hand to deliver blows between the shoulder blades.
-If the object does not come out after five back blows, give five abdominal thrusts. To do this, stand behind the person and place your hands on their abdomen just below the ribcage.
-Give quick upward thrusts into the abdomen.
-Continue alternating between five back blows and five abdominal thrusts until the object is dislodged or the person becomes unresponsive.
4. If the person becomes unresponsive:
-Call for help immediately.
-Start CPR. If you are not trained in CPR, you should continue alternating between five back blows and five abdominal thrusts until help arrives.
5. If the object is visible and you can easily reach it:
-Use your finger to remove the object from the person's airway. Be careful not to push the object further into the airway.