What is foreign body airway obstruction?
FBAO can occur at any age, but it is most common in children under the age of 3 years. This is because children are more likely to put foreign objects in their mouths and may not have the coordination to remove them.
Some of the most common objects that can cause FBAO include:
* Food, such as nuts, seeds, popcorn, and hot dogs
* Small toys, such as balls, marbles, and balloons
* Jewelry, such as beads and earrings
* Coins
* Paper clips
* Safety pins
* Needles
FBAO can cause a variety of symptoms, depending on the size and location of the foreign object. These symptoms may include:
* Difficulty breathing
* Coughing
* Choking
* Gagging
* Wheezing
* Stridor (a high-pitched sound that occurs when the airway is partially blocked)
* Hoarseness
* Loss of consciousness
If you suspect that someone is experiencing FBAO, it is important to act quickly. Here are some steps you can take:
1. Call 911 immediately.
2. If the person is conscious, try to encourage them to cough up the object. Do not attempt to remove the object yourself, as this could push it further into the airway.
3. If the person is unconscious, start CPR.
4. If the person is a child, perform the Heimlich maneuver. The Heimlich maneuver is a series of abdominal thrusts that can help dislodge a foreign object from the airway.
FBAO is a serious medical condition, but it is often preventable. By keeping small objects out of reach of children and supervising children while they are eating, you can help reduce the risk of FBAO.