Household Causes of Breathing Difficulties
Mold and Mites
Some of the causes of breathing difficulties that lurk in your household are infinitesimally small and hard to see with the naked eye. Dust mites, mold and other microorganisms feed on dead skin and other human byproducts and can infest your home without your being aware of their existence. Mold in particular can become quite irritating to your airways and eyes and causes wheezing as well as nasal rhinitis and itchy, watery eyes. Mites can be controlled through thorough and frequent vacuuming; mold spores can be removed through cleaning your house with a bleach-and-water mixture. Mold that grows behind the drywall in your house can be difficult to remove without professional help or extensive repairs.
Your beloved pets may be the cause of your breathing difficulties. People who are allergic to cats, dogs or other household pets suffer from a range of symptoms, including sneezing, wheezing and watery eyes. Breathing problems may exist after contact with the animal in question, or just from spending time in the household, due to the shedding of hair and dander. Antihistamines may help lessen the allergic reaction and help you breathe more freely, especially if nasal congestion is one of your symptoms.
Household cleaners, including furniture sprays and polishes, can exacerbate asthma symptoms in adults, according to an article published in the June 2007 issue of the "American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine." Products specified for home use by nonprofessionals have not been studied as widely as stronger chemicals used by professional cleaning agencies, but the link between the products and an increase in breathing difficulties has been established. Air fresheners, scented cleaning solutions and glass cleaners can also irritate the airways and increase the risk of wheezing and shortness of breath. Sprays induced symptoms more readily than other forms of household cleaners.
Breathing difficulties are not to be taken lightly and can cause serious medical problems if not attended to properly. If you have asthma or another diagnosed respiratory condition, use inhalers and medications as needed to manage symptoms. Symptoms that occur with chest pain, lightheadedness, a blueness of the lips or nails, swelling of the tongue or lips or heartbeat abnormalities can signify a potentially life-threatening reaction. Seek emergency medical help immediately.