What Are the Symptoms of Being Exposed to Mold?
According to the New York State Department of Health, allergies and irritations are the most common symptoms of exposure to mold. These symptoms often mimic the symptoms of a common cold and include nasal congestion, watery eyes, irritated throat, headache, cough or wheezing. Skin rashes are also common symptoms. These symptoms are of initial exposure to mold and may continue or worsen the longer the exposure goes on.
If your exposure to mold is maintained for an extended length of time, you may experience digestive disorders. Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, difficulty swallowing and stomach pains can be signs of overexposure to mold.
Advanced Symptoms
Symptoms that result from long-term exposure to mold can range from joint pain, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia to memory loss, coughing up blood and nervous disorders. Your skin may also develop rashes, open sores or boils. You may begin to experience other advanced symptoms such as hair loss and swollen glands.
Late Stages
The Mold Symptoms website reports that certain conditions can occur from long-term, high exposure to mold. Possible conditions include blindness, memory loss, brain damage, bleeding lungs or cancer. The final result of mold exposure over an extended period of time may even be death.