How to Get the Most Benefit From a CPAP Machine
CPAP Use Tips
Use your CPAP machine on a consistent basis. Set a schedule and ensure that you use the CPAP at the same time every night and any other time you go to sleep. This will help your body become adjusted to wearing an assistive breathing aid while at rest. It will also increase the overall efficacy of the CPAP treatment.
Ensure your CPAP mask is a proper fit. If you have gained or lost weight, this may result in a change in the dimensions of your face. A smaller or larger face may cause a mask that was once suited for optimum performance to become ill-fitting and less useful.
Maintain a clean mask, head gear and tubing. Keep to a cleaning schedule for these CPAP machine attachments. Replace the CPAP unit and humidifier filters on a regular basis. A clean machine ensures an easier breathing experience.
Raise the settings on your unit gradually if your CPAP is prescribed to operate at a high level of air pressure. Start the CPAP machine at a lower level than the one prescribed, and raise the pressure in 20-minute intervals until the prescribed air level is reached. High air pressure may cause the CPAP machine to be noisy and possibly interfere with falling asleep. Place the CPAP machine under your bed to mask the noise.
Prevent nasal congestion, a dry or itchy nose and nosebleeds that may be caused by regular CPAP machine use. Three options may be employed. Purchase a moistening nasal spray made from salt and water. Spray the nasal spray in each nostril before using the CPAP machine. Ask your physician to recommend a nasal decongestant in pill or spray form. A nasal decongestant may be used in conjunction with the saline nasal spray. Take the nasal decongestant before using the CPAP. Ask your physician about using a CPAP humidifier. A humidifier will add moisture to the air being forced through the CPAP machine.