Remedies for Severe Snoring Problems

Snoring is caused by a narrowing of the airway, according to the Help Guide website. This might be because of abnormalities of the soft tissues in the throat or a poor sleep posture. Other causes include nasal and sinus problems, being overweight, age, alcohol, medication, smoking and the way you are built. Because men have narrower air passages than women, they are more likely to snore. Some types of snoring are an indication of a serious problem, such as snoring heavily and being tired during the day, falling asleep at inappropriate times and if during sleep the snorer stops breathing, chokes or gasps.
  1. CPAP Machines

    • The CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) is a machine designed to keep your airway open during sleep by blowing pressurized air into a mask worn over the face or nose. Air pressure is increased in the throat so the airway does not collapse. According to WebMD, this therapy is for people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which is the result of blocked airflow during sleep. The CPAP is the most effective nonsurgical treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. Doctors use this type of therapy to treat people who have moderate to severe sleep apnea.


    • Surgical procedures are available to increase the size of your airway by correcting abnormalities or surgically removing tissue. This includes adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) and a thermal ablation palatoplasty (TAP). Another type of surgery is the Pillar procedure, in which small plastic implants are inserted in the soft palate, causing scar tissue to grow. This stiffens the soft palate and stops the vibration that causes snoring, according to Help Guide.

    The LAUP Procedure

    • LAUP, or laser assisted uvula palatoplasty, uses lasers during surgery. According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology website, the uvula is vaporized as well as a specified portion of the palate during several small procedures. This removes the obstruction in the airway. Before this procedure is prescribed, the patient will participate in a sleep study to determine the amount of snoring and the level of sleep apnea.

    Dental Appliances

    • Other remedies for severe snoring problems include lower jaw positioners, dental appliances and oral devices. These resemble an athlete's mouth guard and work by bringing the tongue or the lower jaw forward during sleep, which helps keep the airway open.

    Other Remedies

    • Other remedies include providing moist air with a humidifier to keep dry air from irritating membranes in the throat or nose; elevating the head or using a specially designed pillow; and avoiding certain substances before bedtime, such as large meals, dairy or soy products, sleeping pills and relaxants, caffeine and antihistamines, says Help Guide.

    Fun Fact

    • The didgeridoo is a wind instrument created by the indigenous people of Australia.

      The musical instrument known as the didgeridoo might help reduce snoring. According to the Help Guide website, studies have shown that playing the didgeridoo can strengthen the throat and the soft palate.

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