How to Use an Oxymeter for Hypoxia
Things You'll Need
- Physician
- Oxymeter
Seek medical attention if you are having trouble breathing or are experiencing tightness in the chest. The doctor will start treating you by using an oxymeter.This instrument will measure the amount of oxygen in your blood. She will choose a part of the body such as a finger or earlobe that allows for the oxymeter to be attached with ease and no pinching. She will then attach the probe of the oxymeter to this area.
Advise the medical personnel to avoid attaching the oxymeter to areas on you that are cold or calloused. This can cause a false low reading. According to EndoNurse Institute online, an oxymeter working correctly should show a steady pulse and/or wave pattern on the computer portion of the machine.
Do not move while the blood saturation is being measured. EndoNurse Institute suggests this can cause a false low reading. Ask the individual taking your oxygen saturation measure to avoid putting the probe on a finger that has nail polish. This, too, can interfere with the results.
Note the computer monitor of the oxymeter. It will report the percentage of oxygen saturation in the blood. This number will assist in determining if you are hypoxic and need to have oxygen administered. Remember that even a low reading does not stand alone. Your medical providers will be measuring your respiration and pulse, and will make decisions based on all the information.
Determine if the level is low based on what are considered normal readings. The Mayo Institute reports that normal oxygen saturation readings are 95 to 100 percent and that any measurement under 90 is considered low. You physician will usually administer oxygen in order to treat the low level reading, or hypoxia. He will also attempt to treat the underlying cause.