Bipap Procedures
General Information
The BIPAP machine is used for sleep apnea. BIPAP works by providing both oxygen and pressure. As the patient takes a breath, the BIPAP machine applies air pressure as the patient is exhaling to keep the air sacs in the lungs open. The pressure reduces as the patient breathes in allowing air to fill the sacs. The BIPAP machine is connected to a face mask or nose mask via tubing. Using this system is non-invasive and works well for conditions such as COPD, asthma and sleep apnea.
Initial Procedures
The BIPAP face mask or nose mask should be sized appropriately for the patient. According to the manufacturer's requirements, the circuits, such as the airway adapter, must be connected to the machine. An oxygen enrichment attachment can be added to the circuit or connected directly via a flow meter when used with a mask. Connecting a patient to the system includes setting up the machine and monitoring the air volume as well as the pressure. Exact settings, such as oxygen volume and air pressure, should be based on the physician's orders.
Treatment Procedures
Ensure the patient is connected to the circuit and the headstrap is adjusted so that the face mask creates a good seal and does not leak. The system must be turned on prior to turning on the oxygen flow level. Alarms for high or low pressure monitors can be set if required. The treatment duration is based on the doctor's orders. When the patient is taken off the system, ensure the oxygen is turned off before switching off the BIPAP machine.
Additional Information
During treatment, respiratory cycles are measured by the estimated exhaled tidal volume (Est Vte). If the volume is not correct, the mask has a leak and needs to be adjusted. Medication can be added to the BIPAP circuit during treatment. Aerosolized drugs delivered via nebulizers and similar delivery systems allow the patient to receive metered doses. The bacteria filter on the BIPAP machine must be in place to keep the medication from flowing back into the BIPAP unit.