Burping & Breathing Problems
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Gastroesophageal reflux disease occurs when the esophageal sphincter fails to close after food is consumed and excessive air is swallowed. Alcohol use, obesity, smoking and pregnancy can contribute to this disorder, as well as breathing problems. Symptoms happen while upright and include excessive burping and belching, according to Reflux Issues. Gastroesophageal reflux disease is commonly referred to as acid reflux, peptic esophagitis or reflux esophagitis.
Burping or belching is the stomach's way to expel excess air. You may swallow excess air by eating or drinking too fast, drinking carbonated beverages through a straw or talking while you eat. Some people swallow air because of anxiety or a nervous habit. Chronic burping or belching can cause inflammation of the stomach lining, peptic ulcer disease or delayed stomach emptying, according to The Mayo Clinic.
How to Reduce Belching
Eat and drink slowly and do not drink from a straw. Avoid carbonated drinks because they carry carbon dioxide gas into the stomach. Don't chew gum or hard candy. Don't smoke, because half of what is inhaled is air. If you smoke, quitting can create a radical improvement in general health and breathing problems. Check dentures, which, poorly fitted, could be allowing excessive air into the stomach.
Heartburn and Burping
Heartburn accompanied with burping can be a sign of a serious health problem. Acid reflux disease is a common reason for heartburn, which can also cause asthma and other breathing problems. Intestinal gastric fluid rises in the esophagus, which can damage it over time. It may also increase the chances of developing cancer, so it is very important to seek medical attention if symptoms are persistent.
If changes in lifestyle are not enough to improve symptoms of burping, the next step is antacids. Antacids can neutralize stomach acids. H-2 blockers, such as Zantac or Pepsid, are available in both prescription and non-prescription forms.