Signs & Symptoms of Asbestos Illness
A persistent cough is often a sign of an asbestos-related illness such as asbestosis or mesothelioma. It is often chronic and productive. Some people may also experience a shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, according to the Mesothelioma and Asbestos Awareness Center. A chronic cough and shortness of breath are often the first noticeable signs of asbestos illness and are often the reasons patients first visit the doctor.
The respiratory symptoms that accompany asbestos-related illnesses are often first attributed to more common illnesses, such as bronchitis or the flu, according to the Mesothelioma and Asbestos Awareness Center. To diagnose mesothelioma, several tests are typically performed, including a chest X-ray, CT scan, MRI and blood tests. A tissue biopsy is often necessary to distinguish mesothelioma from asbestosis.
Chest Pain
Chest pain can be a sign of both asbestosis and mesothelioma. In some cases, people may feel as though the chest is constricted. Some mesothelioma sufferers also experience pain in the abdomen.
Voice Changes
Illnesses related to asbestos exposure can cause changes to a person's voice. Mesothelioma makes it sound more husky or deeper than normal, and can even cause swallowing difficulty.
Weight Loss
Some people who develop mesothelioma experience weight loss. In some cases, this can be unexplained, but in some patients it is the result of a loss of appetite that can accompany the illness.
Sleep Problems and Fatigue
Difficulty sleeping or sleeplessness accompany asbestos-related illnesses. Asbestosis can also lead to fatigue and a decreased tolerance for physical activity or exertion.
Fluid Accumulation
People suffering from mesothelioma may develop a fluid buildup in the lungs and chest. The abdomen can also become swollen or distended as a result of the fluid accumulation.
Finger Deformity
Finger deformity is a result of the asbestosis. The fingers can change in appearance and appear club-like as the illness progresses.