How Often Do You Change Nebulizer Masks?
Routine Maintenance
Make a schedule to change the nebulizer mask. According to, changing masks routinely every six months is recommended. Change the face mask or mouthpiece, medicine cup, and tubing. Nebulizer masks and kits can be purchased at medical supply stores, pharmacies, or online.
After Illness or Infection
Change the nebulizer mask after an illness or infection. Germs that caused the illness, or bacteria that cause the infection, may deposit on a nebulizer mask when the patient uses it while ill. Replace the mask to prevent the illness from returning. Change to a new mask when treatment has started or after the condition is resolved.
When Mask Does Not Work Properly
If the mask does not allow the patient to breathe in mist, and cleaning does not resolve the issue, change the mask. Nebulizer masks have small openings that allow the medicine to enter the mask. These openings may become clogged if the mask is not cleaned properly after each use. If clogs prevent the medication mist from entering the mask, replace the mask.
Cracks, Rips, or Imperfections
Cracks, rips, tears, or imperfections require the mask to be changed. Nebulizer masks are often made of plastic and cracks can occur over time or if the mask is handled roughly. Frequent use can also cause the plastic to break down, making it prone to cracks or rips. If any imperfections such as discoloration or spidering are noticed, replace the nebulizer.