What Is Respiratory Alkalosis?
Hyperventilation or breathing rapidly results in insufficient time for oxygen to be converted into carbon dioxide in the lungs. This mechanism may be due to underlying conditions, such as pneumonia, asthma, lung disease, drug overdose, carbon monoxide poisoning, fever, infection and anxiety.
Respiratory alkalosis may cause headaches and dizziness. Insufficient carbon dioxide in the blood results in dizziness, numbness, headaches, faintness, light-headedness, confusion, seizures, chest pain, twitching and muscle cramps. The severity of symptoms depends on the extent of carbon dioxide depletion in the body.
Accurate diagnosis of respiratory alkalosis is confirmed by a chest X-ray and laboratory tests such as a pulmonary function test and arterial blood gas test.
Management of respiratory alkalosis is aimed at the treatment of the underlying cause that results in hyperventilation.
Paper bags can help improve your breathing cycle. Re-breathing exercise, such as breathing into a paper bag, can improve the normal breathing cycle. Relaxation exercises can also help reduce anxiety and labored breathing.