Why Do People With Emphysema Lose Weight?
Smoking is the primary cause of emphysema, according to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. As the condition progresses, breathing becomes difficult even during times of rest.
Other Symptoms
Emphysema patients experience shortness of breath, chronic cough and fatigue along with weight loss, according to the Mayo Clinic. As lung function deteriorates, symptoms worsen as the lungs are no longer able to supply the body with oxygen.
There is no cure for emphysema and damaged tissue on the lungs cannot be repaired. Patients who quit smoking can stop or slow the progression of the disease and improve the prognosis. End-stage emphysema may require lung transplantation or lung volume reduction surgery, which involves removing the damaged portion of the lung to improve function.
Patients can improve their quality of life with smoking cessation, pulmonary rehabilitation and medications to improve lung function. Slowing the progression of the disease improves the outlook for emphysema patients.
Emphysema patients who lose weight with the condition are at an increased risk of mortality because of their weakened condition. These patients also tend to be sicker because of nutritional deficiencies, according to Columbia University Medical Center.