How to Use an Integra Concentrator
Things You'll Need
- Integra oxygen concentrator
- Nasal cannula
Find a suitable location for your Integra oxygen concentrator. Place your concentrator in a well-ventilated area that has good airflow. Be sure that there are no items blocking the flow of air into your concentrator. Items such as furniture, draperies or clothing should be moved away from your concentrator.
Make sure the air inlet filter is clean. Air flows into your Integra oxygen concentrator through the filter. Inspect the filter daily to make sure it is dust and dirt free. Plug your concentrator into an electric outlet, and push the "on" button to turn it on. A green light should be visible when your concentrator is on.
Let your Integra oxygen concentrator warm up for about 3 to 10 minutes. Adjust the flow rate to the value prescribed by your physician. Push the plus (+) button to increase, or the minus (-) button to decrease the flow rate until you reach the prescribed setting. Do not change the flow rate prescribed by your physician. Oxygen is a medication and too much or too little of it may have some side effects.
Attach your nasal cannula to the oxygen outlet of your Integra oxygen concentrator. Your concentrator may have a pre-attached cannula, and if it does, put the prongs into your nose and adjust the rest of the tubing to fit snugly and comfortably around your face. If there is no pre-attached tubing, attach a cannula that works with your Integra oxygen concentrator.
Maintain oxygen safety precautions. Post "No Smoking" signs at the entrance to your home. Avoid storing materials that can burn easily, such as chemicals or petroleum-based products close to your concentrator. Inspect your concentrator for naked wires. If you notice any, contact your equipment supplier. Keep an alternate source of oxygen in your home. Your Integra oxygen concentrator runs on electricity. If there is a power outage, switch to your other source of oxygen.