How to Service an Oxygen Concentrator
Ensure that the oxygen is flowing as it should. Inspect your oxygen concentrator for any factor that might obstruct the flow of oxygen. If your oxygen flow is low, check your oxygen tubing for kinks or holes. If you find kinks, straighten them out and if you find holes, replace the tubing. If you are using a humidifier, inspect it for blockage from dirt. If it is dirty, clean it out and refill it with cold water.
Inspect your oxygen concentrator for lack of oxygen flow. If oxygen flow is nonexistent, check to see if your oxygen concentrator is plugged in and turned on. The oxygen flow may be nonexistent if the electrical outlet your oxygen concentrator is plugged into is not functional, so try another outlet if this is the case. If none of these measures restores oxygen flow, switch over to your backup oxygen delivery system and contact your equipment supplier.
Check your oxygen tubing for condensation or water. Do this if you use a humidifier with your oxygen concentrator. The oxygen concentrator runs on electricity and is prone to overheating which can cause condensation. If you notice water in your tubing, replace it with a new one or put it out to dry. Move your oxygen concentrator to a well ventilated area, that is not close to sources of heat such as heaters or fireplaces.
Be aware of the alarms on your oxygen concentrator. If the alarm sounds weak, then the battery in your oxygen concentrator may be weak. Contact your equipment supplier for a replacement battery. Contact them also if your alarms fail to sound at all.
Observe your oxygen concentrator for damage. If you suspect that your oxygen concentrator is damaged to the extent that you cannot troubleshoot the issue yourself, turn your concentrator off, switch to your backup oxygen supply and contact your equipment supplier.