How to Use a Liquid Oxygen Tank
Things You'll Need
- Nasal cannula
- Humidifier (optional)
- Liquid oxygen tank
Place your liquid oxygen tank in a safe location. Make sure it is located at least 8 feet away from all sources of heat, in a place where there is no clutter, away from materials that can burn easily, such as chemicals, clothing and petroleum products.
Locate the oxygen outlet on your liquid oxygen tank. Connect your humidifier (if you have one) to your liquid oxygen tank, then attach your nasal cannula tubing to the humidifier. In the absence of a humidifier, connect your nasal cannula tubing directly to the oxygen outlet of your liquid oxygen tank. Put the nasal cannula prongs into your nose and adjust it to fit snugly around your face.
Set the flow meter on your liquid oxygen tank to the flow rate value prescribed by your physician. Breathe in to make sure oxygen is flowing through your nasal cannula.
Post "No Smoking, Oxygen In Use" signs in visible areas of your home and at the entrance of your home to reduce the risk of a fire, as oxygen supports combustion. Store your liquid oxygen tank in a well ventilated area. It releases small amounts of oxygen into the atmosphere when its not being used and accumulation of this oxygen can cause a fire.