Oxygen Concentrators Vs. Oxygen Tanks
How They Work
Oxygen tanks are prefilled with oxygen. The oxygen concentrator is not prefilled with oxygen. It creates oxygen by pulling in air from the environment, extracting oxygen from it, and storing this oxygen for delivery to a person.
The oxygen concentrator system runs on electricity, and a person who decides to use this type of system will need a back-up source of oxygen in case there is no electricity. Oxygen tanks, on the other hand, are not powered by electricity. A person using an oxygen concentrator will have to pay for electricity.
Oxygen tanks run out of oxygen, and require refills at intervals. Refills will cost the user extra money. Oxygen concentrators do not need refills since they make oxygen from air in the environment, and can supply an unlimited amount of oxygen. Oxygen concentrators may have mechanical problems while oxygen tanks do not have this issue.
Oxygen tanks and concentrators come in large and small sizes. The large sizes are not portable, while the smaller ones are portable, and can be moved around during activities like walking.
Both oxygen concentrators and tanks have flow meters to regulate the amount of oxygen delivered to a person. Oxygen concentrators are considered to be safer than oxygen tanks.
Nasal Cannulas and Masks
Oxygen can be delivered from oxygen tanks and concentrators to a person's nose with the use of nasal cannulas or oxygen masks. These two devices are made of plastic tubing that can be attached to an oxygen tank or concentrator. The nasal cannula has two prongs attached to the plastic tubing, through which oxygen gets to the lungs via the nose. The face mask is also attached to the plastic tubing, and is worn over the nose and mouth, and anchored to the face with an elastic strap.