Different Delivery Systems for Home Oxygen
Compressed Oxygen Tanks
Oxygen gas can be compressed and stored in tanks of various sizes. The tanks have flow meters and regulators attached to ensure delivery of the amount of oxygen prescribed by physicians.
Liquid Oxygen Tank
Liquid oxygen tanks store oxygen at extremely cold temperatures to maintain its liquid state. Warming liquid oxygen converts it to a gas that a person can then breathe. Liquid oxygen tanks can be stationary or portable and have flow meters and a mechanism for warming liquid oxygen.
Oxygen Concentrators
Oxygen concentrators pull air from the environment, extract oxygen from it and store the oxygen. They require electricity to work and may be portable or stationary. They also have flow meters.
Nasal Cannula
A nasal cannula can be attached to any of the oxygen delivery systems above so that oxygen can go from the tank to a person's nose and lungs. The nasal cannula consists of a long plastic tubing that is attached to an oxygen tank or concentrator and two prongs that are inserted in the nostrils.
Oxygen Mask
An oxygen mask can be connected to an oxygen concentrator or tank for oxygen delivery to the lungs via the nose. The mask consists of long plastic tubing that can be attached to the oxygen storage system and a mask that is worn over the nose and mouth. The mask is secured to the face with an elastic band.