How to Help Cure Bronchitis
Doctor's Visit
If you experience the symptoms of bronchitis, only your doctor can accurately diagnose and treat the condition. In addition to taking your vital signs, he may examine your nasal passageways and throat for signs of bronchitis and ask specific questions about your symptoms and your medical history. Your doctor may also take a culture of your throat or nasal secretions to make a diagnosis.
If your doctor has prescribed a drug, take it exactly according to the label instructions. Antibiotics, in particular, are most effective when taken in the dose and according to the timing prescribed. Don't stop taking an antibiotic when you feel better; you must finish the medicine for effective results. Prescription cough medicine often contains analgesics and narcotics that are toxic if taken in greater quantities than prescribed. Never double up on medicine strength or shorten the interval between doses. Report any negative drug reaction to your doctor immediately.
Over-the-Counter Medication
Your doctor may recommend over-the-counter (OTC) remedies for your acute bronchitis. She is likely to suggest an analgesic, such as acetaminophen for pain. An expectorant can help loosen mucus and clear passageways. Read labels carefully to make sure you're not doubling up on specific drugs, such as acetaminophen, and risking an overdose. Antihistamines can dry secretions and worsen coughs, so only take one if your doctor recommends it. Read multi-symptom products carefully to make sure they contain only medicines that you need.
This age-old remedy is very important in helping cure acute bronchitis. Fluids keep secretions running and easy to expel by spitting. They also help keep your mouth and passageways moist and comfortable. Grandma's remedies are quite effective in the case of bronchitis: soup, hot beverages, juice and water keep the body hydrated and the patient comfortable.
Stopping smoking during an acute bronchitis spell can help the bronchi and nasal passageways clear more quickly. Smoke is drying and contains irritants that not only inhibit healing, but make respiratory conditions worse. Avoid secondhand smoke, if possible, for maximum healing and comfort.
If your symptoms continue for more than 10 days, consult your doctor for further diagnosis and treatment. Symptoms that don't go away and continue to recur may indicate chronic bronchitis, a serious respiratory condition that can affect long-term health and longevity. Only a doctor can evaluate this condition.