Oxygen Therapy & the Use of Vapor Rub
Oxygen Sources
One can store oxygen for use in oxygen therapy through a number of different methods, including liquid storage and compressed gas storage, or instantly create oxygen through concentrators for immediate use. For liquid storage, oxygen is kept in refrigerated tanks, before being boiled to be used by patients as a gas, while for compressed gas storage, the oxygen is stored in gas cylinders (and does not require cold temperatures like liquid storage). Oxygen is instantly available for patient use through oxygen concentrators; concentrators are often used by out-of-hospital patients who need extra oxygen on a regular basis.
Oxygen Therapy Uses
Oxygen therapy is used for patients both in the hospital and at home who need extra supplies of oxygen for a variety of reasons and conditions, such as asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer and cystic fibrosis. Oxygen therapy requires a prescription from a doctor, along with instructions regarding how much oxygen should be used.
Vapor Rub Uses
Vapor rubs often count menthol, eucalyptus and camphor as ingredients, which help to open up breathing passages, break up congestion and reduce a cough. Vapor rub may be used on the chest or on the bottom of the feet for respiratory health purposes. Vapor rubs can be bought over-the-counter and used at home to clear up the symptoms of normal cold and flu illnesses.