Cures for Hyperventilation
Breathing Techniques
Breathing in less oxygen and raising the carbon dioxide level in the blood will help cure hyperventilation. Breathe through pursed lips with the motion of blowing out a candle, according to MedlinePlus. Learning breathing exercises will help calm anxieties and relax the body and mind. Breathing can be controlled with proper techniques when symptoms of hyperventilation are recognized. Breathing exercises should be practiced every day to help with anxiety or any disorder that may interfere with the natural breathing process.
Breathe into a Paper Bag
A paper bag can cure hyperventilation. The person hyperventilating should hold a paper bag closely around their mouth and breathe slowly into it for up to seven minutes. Talking to the person is beneficial because it helps distract them and makes them feel comfortable and safe. If a paper bag is not available, hands will work if they are curved over the mouth and nose. If symptoms do not improve or the persons loses consciousness, take the person to the hospital immediately.
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy can lower the heart rate and decrease blood pressure. Massage therapy is a cure for hyperventilation because it provides the muscles intense relaxation. A massage manipulates the skin by pressing and rubbing different areas. Massage treatments are used to treat stress, anxiety, pain and high blood pressure. Massage therapy may be done by a therapist, or self-massage techniques can be easily learned.
Guided Imagery
Guided imagery is a traditional relaxation technique that relieves stress and is used as a cure for hyperventilation. Guided imagery is using a picture that helps create a scene that takes away anxiety and stress. Imagine the scene as vividly as possible. The setting should be a peaceful place that helps the body relax and drift away.